Citrix and Hewlett Packard Enterprise Collaborate to Return Employees to Offices
FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. - JUNE 25, 2020 – The traditional office has always been rife with challenges. The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a new set of issues that businesses must deal with as they look to return employees currently working from home, and Citrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ:CTXS) and Hewlett Packard Enterprise (HPE) are partnering to enable companies to bring employees back to the office and empower them to do their best work.
“COVID-19 has challenged businesses to respond to the crisis quickly and rethink their workforce strategies in real time,” said Saadat Malik, Vice President for IoT and Intelligent Edge Services at HPE. “HPE’s Intelligent Workplace solution is designed to help companies engage and enable employees; attract and retain talent; and ensure safety and security while controlling workplace costs. Citrix is one of the partners that HPE is working very closely with to enhance existing solutions with components that are tailor made for COVID-19 response.”
A Smart, Safe Solution
Leveraging out-of-the-box microapp capabilities within Citrix® Workspace released by Citrix earlier this week, HPE will deliver unique workflows within its Intelligent Workplace solution that enable employees to quickly and easily complete tasks associated with returning to offices across five key areas:
- Employee Wellness: Complete health agreements stating no symptoms of COVID-19 prior to arriving at office
- Smart Social Distancing: Access maps and occupancy information for different parts of the building, reserve conference rooms and hot desks
- Workplace Safety: Confirm that shared spaces in building have been cleaned
- Workplace PPE: Locate personal protective equipment and sanitation stations
In addition, Citrix and HPE will work together to customize engagements that
allow for:
- Touchless Offices: Employees can influence IoT connected building systems from their own devices
- Touchless and Smart Social Distancing: Through integration with video analytic platforms, employees can manage contactless visitor signup and building entry
HPE also announced five new return-to-work solutions earlier this week, implemented and managed through HPE Pointnext Technology Services, that help customers accelerate their business recovery and reopening plans, control the spread of COVID-19 and enable business continuity.
“HPE has long been at the forefront of delivering solutions that make work smarter,” said Steve Wilson, Vice President of Product Management, Citrix. “In planning to build on the microapp capabilities within Citrix Workspace, they can offer solutions that help employees adapt to the next normal and feel confident and comfortable in returning to offices.”
Citrix Workspace is a unified, secure and intelligent work platform that transforms the employee experience by organizing, guiding, and automating all activities people need to do their jobs and deliver results. Click here to learn more about the microapp capabilities within the solution and the value they can deliver.